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A Place where        everyone MatterS


Long Beach, MS



The purposes for which this corporation is or­ganized are to stimulate the business district revitalization ­in Long Beach, MS through organization (en­couraging cooperation and building leadership in the business community); pro­motion (creating a positive image for the Long Beach City/Community by pro­moting Long Beach City/Community  as an exciting place to live, shop and invest); design (improv­ing the appearance of the Long Beach City/Community); and to receive, administer and distribute funds in connection with any activities related to the above purposes; provided, however, that the Program shall only engage in activi­ties that are in the purview of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or corresponding sec­tions of any prior or future law. No part of the net earn­ings of the Program shall insure to the benefit of any of its members or any other individual; and the Program shall not participate in, or intervene in, any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.

A Community that works together prospers together

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